On the occasion of the year in which Bergamo and Brescia will share the title of Italian Capital of Culture, an integrated ticket has been created that allows you to move easily between the two cities and visit their main museums!
The tickets are currently available in two versions: tickets that allow the use of public transport in the entire urban network in Brescia (zone 1 and zone 2) and Bergamo (all zones) in 24-hour (€8), 48-hour (€11) and 72-hour (€17) versions, and tickets that, in addition to the use of public transport, allow access to the museums of the two Cities, again in 24-hour (€38), 48-hour (€48) and 72-hour (€60) versions. Thanks to collaboration with Trenord and Autostradale, it's also possible to add the regional rail service train and the shuttle to Orio al Serio among the means of transport that can be used.
The list of museums taking part in the initiative is extensive and includes: Santa Giulia Museum in Brescia, Brixia. Roman Archaeological Area, Pinanoteca Tosio Martinengo in Brescia, "Luigi Marzoli" Arms and Armor Museum in Brescia, Museum of the Risorgimento in Brescia, Mille Miglia Museum in Brescia, Diocesan Museum in Brescia, Accademia Carrara in Bergamo, GAMeC in Bergamo, Museo delle storie in Bergamo and Bergamo Civic Museums (Archaeological and Natural Science Museum).
Integrated tickets can be purchased through BresciApp!, the app managed by Brescia Mobility for the city of Brescia, and ATB Mobile, the app dedicated to mobility in Bergamo. Tickets purchased are valid in both cities, regardless of the app used for purchase.
Contact Info
For more info:
Customer Care Brescia Mobilità Group
Ph. +39 030 3061200 - WhatsApp 342 6566207