Metro Brescia
Metro Brescia
Metro Brescia Srl was founded in late 2011 with the aim of carrying out activities for the management and maintenance of the Brescia subway.
In 2013, with Brescia Mobilità's acquisition of a majority of the company (51%), Metro Brescia became a part of the Group, and with the service contract dated 2 March 2013 was given responsibility for management of the subway.
The company's duty's include assistance to the public, supervision within the subway, checking travel documents, subway information. In addition, Metro Brescia maintains service and quality levels established by the service contract.
Direct contact with the public is maintained through the agents who work in the stations and on the subway trains. The operating personnel of the Control Centre can be reached via the intercoms in the subway. The Operations Centre is manned 24 h.
Brescia subway is a fully automatic transport system which does not require the presence either of drivers or any other permanent staff on board its trains.
Its functioning is automatically controlled and completely safe thanks to a sophisticated control system composed of electronic devices positioned along the line, inside the stations, on the trains and at the PCO (Operations Center) located in S. Eufemia/Buffalora, near Metro Brescia depot and offices.
Main processors and control devices managing the line service are located at the PCO, which can be considered the sophisticated brain of the system.
In order to supervise the system functioning, the PCO is equipped with a main control room (there is also an emergency control room in case the main one is not available) were up to 4 operators can act simultaneously.
The Operation Center of Brescia Subway is attended 24 hours a day and 7 days a week .
By means of PCO devices and instruments, operators can keep the system under full and continuous control in order to:
- prevent service troubles
- immediately detect anomalous situations, analyze and control them with proper interventions;
- modify the service program in order to optimize it according to any expected or unexpected needs,
- provide support to passengers by means of dedicated communication systems
The PCO operators are constantly in contact with the staff travelling along the line, in order to intervene quickly and efficiently to guarantee a proper functioning of plants and provide any eventual assistance to passengers.
Main devices and safety features are:
- Continuous monitoring of stations, tracks and vehicles from the operations center.
- Intrinsically safe braking system
- Remote diagnostics and telemetry system for real-time control of the system functioning and security.
- Onboard Intercoms and telephones along the line and at stations.
- Protections between rails and platforms.
Occupational safety
The company is applying an occupational health and safety management system according to OHSAS 18001 standard.
This system primarily based on regulation compliance control, that means the verification that any law requirements applicable to the Company activities are duly met.
Moreover, it is based on consultation of the so-called "safety actors" (Company Direction, RLS - Worker Delegates for Safety, Medical Officer, Supervisors, workers), in order to maintain a continuous monitoring of risk assessment, in order to be continuously improving the system performances.
The key safety control factor is the accident analysis but above all the “near misses" analysis, that means unplanned events that did not provoke any injury, illness, or damage but had the potential to do so. If properly investigated, they can be a warning signal of non properly controlled situations.
The company is applying a quality management system according to UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 standard. Certification process will start by 2014
Metro Brescia Srl
Via L. Magnolini, 3 – Brescia (BS) – CAP 25135
T. +39 030.2358966
F. +39 030.2358536
[email protected]
Certified email: [email protected]
Share capital €4,020,408.16 fully invested
Register of Brescia Companies
REA no. BS-528335
Tax Code 03368590984
Company subject to management and coordination of Brescia Mobilità S.p.A.
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